Love The Skin You're In


They say love makes the world go round, but it all begins with you. To truly love others unconditionally, we have to love ourselves first. Right? The most powerful and fulfilling relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. If you want others to treat you well, treat yourself first. If you seek love and adoration from another, fall deep in love with yourself first. If you want radiant glowing skin, radiate from within first. This "LOVE" month I want you to focus your attention on more self-love. Develop a love affair with your life and embody more self-love. Is this ego-driven? No, it's nonsense. Don't be afraid to share your passions, interests, accomplishments, life experiences or plans for your future. This is what makes you unique and irresistible.

Self-Love Beauty Tips

  1. Positive Self-Talk- Eliminate the negative chatter inside your head that tells you aren't good enough, pretty enough, smart or strong enough. You do this by becoming aware. Every time a negative thought comes in you STOP it and shake it off and turn into a positive thought. Simply bring your mind back every time it goes astray in its thoughts. With time this method works but you have to work on being self-aware and with good intention you will become a more positive thinker.

  2. Stay Present- Staying focused on the present moment allows you to rise above old patterns and behaviors and allows for new possibilities for you and your life. For a start, if you can be grateful for what you have presently, your self talk will also change to be in alignment with one of joy. A state of gratitude does wonders to your psyche.

  3. Daily Affirmations- Affirmations are the practice of positive statements and self-empowerment for a desired outcome or goal. By repeating them over and over again, you build inroads into your subconscious mind, opening up the possibility of a new state of thoughts. An important step when repeating affirmations is that you need to read your affirmations aloud with feeling. An affirmation needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific with emotion behind it to be effective.

  4. Invest in Yourself- Self-care is a divine responsibility and to create joyful beauty rituals to fall in love with taking care of yourself, mind, body and soul is a beautiful thing. Take time out to attend to your comfort, curiosity and pleasure. Whether its a bath, massage, facial, yoga or being with nature or journaling. It doesn't matter whatever nourishes and invigorates you to get motivated and excited about being alive. This passion in purpose is contagious and desirable.

  5. Spread Love- You are magic! A gift to the world created by the Divine (whatever that means for you)For you not spread your love of yourself is you questioning your existence of your beauty and worth. Embody love in every action! If you find it hard to love and forgive others always focus on loving yourself and see what opens up and if more love grows, build on that. When you are ready you can share it. Positive personal growth whether physical or spiritual has enormous effects on your consciousness to point where you stop looking back and focus only on moving forward and spreading the magic of love.

Start with these simple tips and you will begin to experience an improvement in the quality of your life. The rewards are plentiful with greater happiness, empowerment, peace and joy. With the change in this higher vibration, you will reach your highest potential and achieve success. Don't give up the guitar!

"Sometimes you want to give up the guitar, you'll hate the guitar. But if you stick with it, you're gonna be rewarded." – Jimi Hendrix