Food, Mood & Medicine


We Are Connected To Nature

SPRING, officially here! Nature’s birthing season and the perfect time to cleanse and rejuvenate for overall health and well-being. For most it happily brings us out from the more introspective time of winter with a sense of new life and spark all around. However, with our current global circumstances everything and the world as we know it has changed forever. While, the situation may look bleak right now and may be making life vein in the meantime. There is something you can do while you’re waiting to get back to some normality! You can let go and surrender what you don’t have control of. You can take control of your skin and health! During isolation you can manage your stress eating, anxiety and loneliness and the damage to your skin by these negative emotions by supporting your immune system. We do this in a few ways—by eating healthy food, supporting your lymphatic system that support the organs highlighted during Springtime!!


Prevention is the best cure.

I follow the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with principles that every changing season nature always reflects in your body. Spring is the time when your liver and its complimentary organ the gallbladder is particularly activated. This would be the perfect time to get Qi (energy) flowing and moving. The liver is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi, among a million other functions, throughout the body. The liver helps to detoxify the body and when detoxification in the body goes into high gear, it can lead to both physical symptoms (digestive issues, skin issues, fatigue) and emotional symptoms (anger & sadness). These organs are paired together if there is disharmony in one it affects the other. When they function smoothly, physical and emotional activity throughout the body also runs smoothly. If you're also experiencing rashes, itchy skin and unusual breakouts (normally represented on the cheeks-lung/stomach connection) SPRING may be the culprit. High pollen counts, grasses and mold can stir things up in our body making it uncomfortable even if you don't normally suffer from seasonal allergies. The skin reacts as a result of a histamine response caused by pollen, mold and other allergens. If you’re pollen allergic you may experience symptoms when eating certain fruits, vegetables, spices, and nuts. It is called allergen cross-reactions. Make sure to check the food-allergen website for more info daily during this time.

Although we look towards reducing build up and balancing the liver and the gallbladder which are the internal organs highlighted. We need to consider the lungs during this time—not only does our upper respiratory system take a hit from pollen season but now with this muted virus lurking, the common thread is that this strain attacks the lungs. It’s important to note and a reminder that no system works alone and that the lymphatic system —our body’s immune system should be cleansed and RESET daily to overcome stagnation and ease the other organs so they function at it’s optimal state!

13 Foods to Support & Strengthen

A detox isn't always the answer and right now I would advise against it when your immune system is compromised by stress. But by cleaning up your diet and adding in the right anti-oxidants and more ant-inflammatory support you can increase longevity and improve health and vitality. You do have control of your immune system. The foods we eat affect our mental performance, emotions and our physical health. By adding in more leafy greens, great supportive supplements, healthy fats, enough protein and a diet high in fiber AND staying hydrated with tons of water—you’ll help with proper lymph flow, blood-sugar levels, mood, focus and weight management. This is your key to staying healthy and sane during any season or challenge. Here are some of my favorites.

  1. QUERCERTIN + CoQ10—Considered one of the most abundant antioxidants in the human diet, quercertin plays an important part in fighting free radical damage, the effects of aging and inflammation. They are flavanoids present in red wine and tea. It protects the cells from oxidative stress (ROS) reactive oxygen species.They aid in protection and both have strong antioxidant effect of the human nasal mucosa.

  2. TURMERIC, GINGER, GARLIC —They boost immunity, reduce inflammation and help with keeping the internal organs warm and heat to aid in digestive fire! Giving you endurance and strength and vitality. I love Youtheory- here is my Amazon link to purchase.

  3. NETTLE, MILK THISTLE, DANDELION +HOLY BASIL—All have nutritive, clearing and cleansing qualities to support the skin and digestive body. Antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. Great for acne and depression. Support your liver and gallbladder. AND guess what else they are high in ZINC and Vitamin C.

  4. ZINC—These days I’ve been taking more Zinc+ VIT C and always during times of travel. An essential mineral helps aid in colds, flu and promoting a healthy immune system. A deficiency in zinc mineral can result in acne, hair loss and loss of the sense of taste and smell. Interesting how this muted virus, COVID-19 has this as symptoms. I think people with this deficiency will notice those symptoms more. Up your zinc now if you haven’t already. Eat lamb, egg yolks, kelp, dulse, pumpkin seeds, burdock root, dandelion to name a few and supplement. ***** DO NOT TAKE MORE than 100 Milligrams daily. Daily doses (30 mg is more than enough)—enhance immune response, doses more than 100 mg can depress the immune system.

  5. VITAMIN C Has been proven to be an incredible antioxidant to attack free radicals in biologic fluids and is required for more than 300 metabolic functions in the body. Including production of anti-stress hormones, immune system proteins, and increases antiviral proteins, adrenal gland functions. It was just written in the *LA TIMES that high doses of IV VITAMIN C was used on a COVID patient and it can reduce mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients. In the *Journal of Intensive Care-”it shortens the length of stay in ICU patients” — In the *American Medical Journal— “Compared with placebo was associated in a significant reduction in a 28 day Vitamin C brings down the cytokine storm.”

    Eat berries, citrus fruits, papaya, kiwi, guava, lemons, radishes, fennel, kale, spinach, collards, dandelion greens, onions, mustard greens, brussel sprouts. If pregnant DO NOT TAKE MORE than 5,000 mg of Vitamin C daily nor with aspirin!!

  6. VITAMIN D The Sunshine Vitamin made in your skin with sunlight!! It has a family of compounds D1,2 or 3 ..fights disease and depression, facilitates normal immune system function. Best food sources-salmon, sardines, egg yolks, yogurt and orange juice. AND JUST 20 MINUTES a day of sunshine triggers your body to release over 200 anti-microbials that fight fungi, parasites and viruses. Soak it up!

  7. EAT GHEE—Ant-inflammatory and a great source of healthy fat! It contains vitamin E and is a rich source of anti-oxidants to fight dryness and can moisturize the skin and hair. It stimulates gut stem cells by turning into buteric acid -Beta hydroxy buterate-the main ketone in the body.

  8. BONE BROTH—Highly nutritious and rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, fatty acids and zinc to name a few. It helpful with digestion and in healing the gut mucosa layer— improving conditions like leaky gut. Bone broth is also loaded with collagen protein and made – via low and slow heating to preserve the nutrients and amino acids. So you get a very dense source of amino acids, with relatively few calories, but some amount of “bulk” for satiety. Collagen is important to help with gastrointestinal problems due to thinning of the lining in your digestive tract with aging or poor diet.

  9. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR— The strong taste might not be for everyone but it has a multitude of benefits. Mix and dilute with water or tea!! It helps kill harmful bacteria and flush out your lymph. It acts like a probiotic tonic and improves blood sugar level aiding in weight loss. Can be used also a DIY skin toner— super diluted and not to be overused!

  10. BURDOCK ROOT— In TCM and for centuries, traditional healers have recommended the use of burdock root to fight the common cold, sore throats. It can fight off infections and has antibacterial qualities and useful for killing biofilms, which are large, sticky colonies of bacteria. It’s known to balance internal heat, specifically helpful for supporting skin health, associated with lung and stomach meridians. It is considered energetically cold and having a slippery consistency that soothes mucus membranes. The root is commonly cooked in order to change its energetic properties and specifically to make it easier to digest. I use it to make a tea and boil it along with ginger, mint and lemon. Especially, if I have an upset stomach.

  11. BITTERS— They benefit to support healthy, relaxed smooth muscle tone in the bronchial pathways. Bitters help maintain open airways for easy breathing during pollen season and beyond. Whether consuming a bitter food, culinary spice, or medicinal herb, one of the primary actions we’re invoking with this taste is detoxification. Bitters are categorically alternative herbs which means they purify and bring chemical balance to the blood. This makes them especially useful for supporting the body’s natural defenses, no matter what the challenge may be.

  12. GLUTATHIONE —Plays a pivotal role in many key metabolic reactions in your body. It’s considered The body’s “master antioxidant,” and directly inactivates dangerous molecules directly responsible for aging, DNA damage, and oxidation – or “rusting” – of your cells. Unfortunately, your levels of this antioxidant can be depleted by your body rapidly due to a number of factors, including aging, poor diet, insomnia and a sedentary lifestyle. Some of the aforementioned vitamins and foods directly effect and increase levels of Glutathione in the body— Milk thistle, Vit C, Zinc , Turmeric and foods rich in Selenium. It’s important to note that excessive amounts of alcohol can decrease Glutathione especially in the lungs.

  13. ELDERBERRY — Also known as black elder, elderflower, or its Latin name, Sambucus nigra, elderberry is a tree and a member of the honeysuckle family. The dried flowers and the fruit are both commonly used in teas, extracts, syrups, and pills. It’s been a staple of mine since my late 20s when I learned of it and in times of cold and flu I take it out. In my experience I had a faster improvement in my symptoms and felt better when feeling a cold coming on. Like all the other foods and herbs, vitamins listed here this also has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and immune boosting support and antioxidant benefits. Worth noting! *** THERE IS NO VALID CORRELATION BETWEEN ELDERBERRY AND “CYTOKINE STORM” (CORRECTLY KNOWN AS CYTOKINE RELEASE SYDROME, OR CRS) THERE ARE MANY DIFFERENT TYPES OF CYTOKINES *REFERENCE

  14. BONUS** ALGAE- Did you know that algae builds the immune system?  Algae is a superfood/dried vegetable and the brand I recommend are algae tablets from ENERGYbits. Not only are their algae tablets recommended by doctors nationwide, their algae tablets are so nutrient dense, and chlorophyll-rich, they are the simplest, safest way to build your immune system. Algae has the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world and chlorophyll is so healing, it is often used instead of blood if there are shortages for blood transfusions. You can purchase their tablets directly from their website and when you do, be sure to use my 20% DISCOUNT CODE:  (CLAUDIA) at checkout. 

Wishing you much health, loving kindness to you and your skin/immune system!








Haena KangComment